Lenten Events & Easter Worship at KUMC

All are welcome to participate in worship or any event at KUMC!  

During the season of Lent, you are invited to attend church on Sundays at 9 am for Contemporary Worship or 10:30 am for Traditional Worship.  Kids Worship and Childcare is available on Sunday mornings during each worship time. 

Our Lenten sermon series is "Everything [In] Between". 

Pick up a copy of the devotion book and read along daily from home or on KUMC's daily Facebook and Instagram posts. This book will also be the basis of our Lenten Sermon series. You can also choose to meet with one of our Lenten Studies beginning the second week of March, or learn a new skill in the Introduction to Watercolors class.  And families with younger children will not want to miss the EGGSTRAVAGANZA, happening on April 13th from 3-5pm. 

All other worship and event times are listed below for you to come and celebrate Lent and Easter at KUMC!

Lenten Events and Worship

ALL are invited to participate in any of the following worship services or events at Kirkwood United Methodist Church!

  • Everything [IN] Between

    Lenten Devotional Book From A Sanctified Arts

    This year, our Lenten sermon series, "Everything In Between" invites us to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed. In the companion daily devotion book you will see that each weekly sub-theme explores two supposed binaries, like "faith & works" or "rest & growth," or "grief & hope." We often consider these ideas to be opposing. However, as we explore these concepts within the scriptures, we find nuance and complexity. We find that these dichotomies are false. We might find that God is present in between. And so, this season, we invite you to look beyond black and white binaries and easy answers. We encourage you to engage in the weekly art and reflections at your own pace, imagining where God might be meeting us beyond the categories we create. This Lent, we're trusting that God shows up in shades of gray, rainbow hues, and everywhere in between. 

    Pick up a copy of the devotional at church after Sunday worship, at the Connection Center, or at the office during weekly office hours M-Th, 9am -3pm. 

  • Lenten Devotion Studies

    Beginning Second Week of March

    We have some new studies and a workshop for you to learn something new during the season of Lent! Here is what you can choose from: 

    "Why Jesus" Lenten Bible Study, led by Rev. Dennis Crosson, Mondays at 10:30am, or Wednesday evenings at 7pm.  

    "Faith in the Public Square",  led by Rev. Barb Barb Pfifer, Sundays at 9am

    "Introduction to Watercolors Workshop", led by Gail Crosson, 7pm on Wednesdays

    Find the details and register for a study on our Adult Groups Page here circlerightarrow

  • Easter Lilies For the Sanctuary

    Order Now in Memory or Honor of Someone

    Help fill KUMC's Sanctuary with beautiful blossoms for Easter Worship that you can take home to enjoy afterward. Place your order now for Easter Lilies through your Realm Account, and please list on the form whether they are in honor or memory of someone special to you so that we can list that information in the Easter Bulletins. 

    Purchase Easter Lilies on Realm circlerightarrow

  • Donate Candy for Eggstravaganza

    now - Sunday, April 6

    We are expecting a lot of visitors for the Easter Eggstravaganza on Sunday, April 13 and we need your help to prepare for this afternoon of outreach ministry to our neighbors! We need lots of candy to fill treat bags for egg hunt rewards at the event.   Please bring donations of individually wrapped candy and place them in the Easter Bunny's donation box at the Connection Center now through April 6th.

  • VolunteerS Needed - Stuff Bunny Run BAGS

    Watch for a date on an upcoming Sunday to stay after and help us stuff the Eggstravaganza treat bags. 

  • Maundy THursday Worship

    Thursday, April 17, 7pm In the Commons

    Join KUMC for Maundy Thursday Worship in The Commons or live streaming on KUMC's Facebook Page. Gather for worship around tables to share in prayer, communion, and foot washing as we explore the actions of Jesus at the Last Supper and how he prepared the disciples for what was to come.  Childcare is available during worship. 

    Go to Facebook circlerightarrow

  • Good Friday Worship

    Friday, April 18, AT 7 PM In the Sanctuary

    Join KUMC for Good Friday Worship in the Sanctuary or live streaming on KUMC's Facebook page beginning at 7pm. Childcare is available during worship. 

    Go to Facebook circlerightarrow

  • Journey to the Cross at Kirkwood Park

    Saturday, April 19, 11am-1pm

    You are invited to join us for a self-guided Lenten Journey to the Cross at Kirkwood Park on Saturday, April 19th from 11am-1pm. There will be stations of contemplation, meditation, and prayer as you follow the path around Walker Lake, beginning at the gazebo and ending with an opportunity to place a carnation on the Cross. It's the perfect way to prepare our hearts and spirits while enjoying nature for our Easter celebration!

  • Easter Sunday Worship

    sunday, April 20, at 6am, 9am & 10:30am AT KUMC

    Come and celebrate Easter at the worship service time of your choice at KUMC:

    Sunrise Worship, 6am, on the Plaza

    Start the day with Easter Sunrise Worship on the plaza in front of the Sanctuary's red doors (weather permitting). Be sure to dress for the weather.  If the weather seems like it might not be good for an outdoor service, check KUMC's Facebook Page or website for any weather-related announcements. 

     9:00 am and 10:30am Easter Worship in the Sanctuary

    Come and celebrate the hope and joy of Resurrection on Easter Sunday morning in the Sanctuary at KUMC.  If you prefer to watch from home, you can watch either worship service live streaming on KUMC's Facebook Page. Childcare is available during both worship times. 

    Go to Facebook circlefacebook


Sunday, April 13 ,  3 -  5pm at KUMC

The Eggstravaganza is happening Sunday, April 13th from 3 - 5pm, rain or shine. Save the date, and check back soon for all of the details!