Scroll down to discover all of the opportunities to CONNECT with others seeking to move Christ towards the center of their lives. You are welcome to join in anytime.
Pastor Steven Blair
314-966-8167 x 1135
Circuit Riders - 9-10am on Sunday mornings.
Listen to and discuss podcasts that have a theological or spiritual theme. Our discussions help us to expand and grow in our faith. If you are looking for a place to safely wrestle with the “Big Questions”, we may be for you.
Faithbuilders – Sundays 6:30-7:30pm
Faithbuilders is a group of believers and seekers working to strengthen our faith in daily living. They are committed to study, mission projects and developing genuine community with each other. They alternate Bible study and book studies chosen by the group.
Disciples Together – Sundays (Alternating between 9am and 10:30am)
Dig Deeper to grow in your connection with Jesus and others.
Bad Girls of The Bible - Tuesdays at 10-11:30am in Room 201
Current ages run from 60-95 but at times we’ve had younger ladies. No out of pocket expenses, this group focuses on Bible Study with a group of ornery women.
Knit and Crochet Group - Thursday 1-3 pm
Wonderful group of people knitting, crocheting, sewing…all are welcome.
K-Men’s Fellowship Breakfast Group Thursdays 7 am – 8 am, at Sunny Street Café, 11692 Manchester Road.
Meetings begin with the Lord’s prayer followed by informal conversations and breakfast (7 to 7:30). A member presents a devotion including discussion from 7:30 – 8pm.
We collect money each week in support of our K-Men’s Food Mission...and shop at Aldi’s. Currently we are providing non-perishable food items for LifeBridge. Remaining items are donated to local food pantries.
Moved – Online Group 1st, 3rd, 5th Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm
Moved is a multi-age community of women and men who seek to learn about God and God’s world by sharing various books and video studies and having open discussions about what we have read and viewed. We learn from prayer, our resources, and each other. Each meeting is led by members who enrich the session by sharing additional resources to stimulate analysis and discovery.
At the end of each session, we share our joys and concerns and pray for those joys and concerns. We care for each other and welcome new members.
The group includes members in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Missouri.