All Are Welcome

God loves you no matter what, and Jesus taught his followers to love your neighbor no matter who. That means KUMC welcomes, affirms, and invites you to worship, serve, and lead regardless of your race, color, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, age, physical and mental ability, economic station, or political ideology. Jesus's love has no asterisks. At KUMC, you are invited to experience and practice God's radically inclusive, transforming love for you and for all.


Pastor Steven Blair

314-966-8167 x 1135


This Week's Sermon:


  • Sunday Worship

    At KUMC and Live Streaming on Facebook

    Currently, KUMC is Offering: 


    Sunday Worship

    Contemporary Worship 9:00am in The Commons

    Traditional Worship 10:30am in the Sanctuary

    Join in person at the church for a time of prayer, reflection, and music led by Pastor Katie Trinter and Music staff, or view the Live Stream on Facebook from wherever you are

    View the current sermon catalog anytime here on the Sermon Page

    Go To Facebook 

    Go to KUMC's Worship Page

    KUMC Children's Ministries on Sunday

    Children's Ministry is Birth- 5th grade is offered during both worship times.  Check your child in at the check in the Kids Area.  Children's Ministry opens 15 minutes before worship.  Your kids will have fun running around our gym, learning a lesson at their age level, art, prayer, and regular kid silliness.  All volunteers have undergone a federal background check and have received training to work with kids. 

    The One Worship - 5th Sunday of the Month

    On the fifth Sunday of a month, Kirkwood Methodist holds "THE ONE" worship service at 10am to allow everyone to worship our ONE AMAZING GOD together as ONE COMMUNITY. If you are curious to learn more about KUMC, this is the perfect opportunity to sample it all in a combined Contemporary/Traditional worship service.

    Join us for THE ONE on Sunday, December 29th, 10 am in the Sanctuary.  

  • Prayer in the CHapel On Sundays

    Sundays, before and After Worship

    Need a quiet place to be with God? There will be prayer stations available in the chapel. You are invited to pray, rest, and connect with the holy before or after worship on Sundays.


    Pray With Pastor Katie at 11 am on Zoom

    Join our Zoom Live Prayer time with Pastor Katie. Please email Pastor Katie to receive the password.

    Pastor Katie circleemail

    Go to Wednesday Prayer Zoom circlerightarrow  

  • Thursday Coffee House Hours

    Pastor Katie at Teleo Coffee in Kirkwood,  7:30 - 10 am

    Drop in to Teleo Coffee on Thursday mornings to grab your morning caffeine fix and talk and pray with Pastor Katie. Teleo Coffee is located at 132 Monroe Street in Downtown Kirkwood. 

Upcoming Events at KUMC

Here are some of the latest events you'll find going on at KUMC. All events are open to the public and you are welcome to attend!

  • Journey Choir FUNDRAISER at Amigo's

    Tuesday, January 21, All Day at Amigo's Cantina in Kirkwood

    Eat at Amigo's anytime on Tuesday, January 21, and let your server know you are eating out for Journey Youth Choir to help them earn funds for their Summer Music and Mission Trip. This trip is a vital part of Journey’s goal to serve others and spread the word of God through music and mission work. It also builds on friendships and community within the group, and keeps the youth coming back and staying involved. Call a friend now and set a lunch date, or plan a family dinner out to support Journey Youth Choir's fundraiser on the 21rst!

  • The Beginning is Near Zoom Small Group

    January 22 & 29,  6:30pm on ZOOM

    Dig deeper into Sunday's sermon and discuss.  See how Revelation is a message of Hope that is often missed with one specific interpretation.  Led by Pastor Steven Blair.

    Click here to Join the Group Wednesdays at 6:30pm circlerightarrow

  • MemberShip SUnday

    sunday, January 26 at 9 & 10:30am Worship

    If you have decided to call Kirkwood UMC "Home," consider becoming a member.  Contact to learn more about the church and membership.  We will have a moment in worship on Sunday, January 26th for people to join the church.

    Email Associate Pastor Steven Blair  circlerightarrow

  • A UMC Conversation: The Journey with Migrant, Immigrant, and Refugee Communities

    Zoom Meeting, Tuesday, January 28 at Noon

    Bishop Robert B. Farr wishes to inform all Missouri Conference churches about this upcoming Zoom seminar regarding immigrants, migrant, and refugee communities. In a letter, he stated: "This webinar will provide an opportunity to deepen our understanding and engage in meaningful dialogue about these pressing issues. During this session, panelists will share their experiences welcoming and offering hospitality to migrant, immigrant and refugee communities. They will reflect on past efforts, current changes and future expectations, helping us to better comprehend the complexities of this journey."


    You are encouraged to join this free Zoom seminar at Noon on Tuesday, January 28. 

    To participate, please register in advance using this link circlerightarrow

  • Connect Nights

    Wednesdays, February 5, 12, 19, 26; 

    6pm Dinner, 6:30-7:30 Classes

    Connect Night returns on Wednesdays in February.  Join us for dinner at 6pm and/or Workshops at 6:30.  

    Workshop 1 features author Heather Fleming digging deeper into themes of Race and Racial Justice.  

    Workshop 2 features the Explore KUMC class with crash courses in how we understand the Bible, Prayer, Discipleship and Mission here at Kirkwood UMC.

    Attend one week, some weeks, alternate classes, or every week.  No matter how you can attend, we want you here on Wednesdays in February.

    Sign up now to attend the sessions here circlerightarrow

  • KUMC Trivia NIght - 

    "Best Game Shows of all Time"

    Saturday, February 22, 6-10pm at SunSet Hills Community CTR

    Join us for Game Show Trivia Night on Saturday, February 22nd at Sunset Hill Community Center from 6-10pm to benefit the programs of LifeBridge at KUMC!

    Find seven friends or three other couples to join your trivia team now and get registered! For $30 each, you are provided a fun night with prizes, beverages, and lots of laughs--all for a great cause to benefit LifeBridge.  If you need help finding a group to sit with, email Pastor Steven Blair, who will "matchmake" you with others attending the event. 

    Another great way to support KUMC's Trivia Night is by donating prizes. Prizes can consist of items, or talents like landscaping, photography, pet sitting, etc. Tickets to St. Louis events or a stay at a time share are some other very popular prizes. You can also volunteer to host a get-together, such as a tea party, wine tasting night, BBQ, or Cajun Boil as a prize.  If you have a gift, talent, party,  or other way that you would like to support KUMC's Game Shows Trivia Night, contact our team using the links below. 

    Here are the links to find a team, register a team, or donate any prizes:  

    Email Pastor Steven Blair to be put on a team circleemail

    To Register a Trivia Team now on Realm circlerightarrow

    To donate prizes for KUMC Trivia Night circleemail

    For  Trivia night questions or donations, contact Megan Daniels circleemail

  • Play Cafè - 

    Wednesdays, 3-5pm in KUMC's Gym

    Play Cafè is a fun midweek play date for children 5th grade and under to come and get the wiggles out after school in KUMC's indoor gym from 3 to 5pm on Wednesday afternoons.  Parents and caregivers, you'll find you enjoy this weekly play date too,  to have the opportunity to meet other adults, chat, and enjoy some coffee.  All are invited to drop in, and it is free to attend. Join us when Play Cafè resumes in 2025 on Wednesday, January 15th.

  • Family Group Play Dates

    Every 1st & 3rd Sunday at KUMC, 11:30 -2pm

    Do you have at least one child younger than school age?  If so, please come and be a part of our KUMC Family Group.  We meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday from 11:30 am - 2 pm in the gym and room 201 (across the hall from the gym).  Bring a snack or lunch for your family to eat in room 201, and then play in the gym.  We occasionally change locations or can't meet, so contact Carol Fischer and let her know you are interested in attending and to learn of any changes in the schedule.

    The Next Meeting is Sunday, January 19th

    circleemail  Carol Fischer


    A Mission at KUMC to Provide Financial Wellness

    LifeBridge is KUMC's Signature Mission. The mission of LifeBridge is to transform lives by building deeper relationships with members of the community and to find ways to partner with them in the long term work to change their lives and break cycles of poverty. LifeBridge services include the LifeBridge Market, Financial Education and Coaching, and Financial Assistance and Grants.

    To learn more about LifeBridge's services and how to apply, OR to volunteer to help with the missions of LifeBridge,

    Go toLifeBridge's Website circlerightarrow

Subscribe to KUMC Enews

If you want to know what's going on at Kirkwood United Methodist Church one of the best ways is to subscribe to the weekly Enews that goes out on Thursdays, just in time to prepare you for worship on Sunday and to let you know what other activities we have coming up at the church.  Subscribe now using the link below.

Subscribe to KUMC Enews circlerightarrow


Kirkwood United Methodist Church

201 W Adams | Kirkwood MO 63122  
