Online Opportunities for Growth

Here are some weekly activities that you can join online to continue on your faith journey. 

  • Wednesday Prayer Time

    Weekly on Wednesdays, 11 am on Zoom

    Join Pastor Katie, live at 11 am on Zoom for a live video conference prayer. Share your joys and prayer concerns and close with prayer to carry you through the week. 

    Go to Zoom Prayer Group circlerightarrow

  • MoVED ONline Zoom Class

    If you are looking to connect and be MOVED by God, join  Maureen and Joel Horsley in a Live Zoom Class on the first, third, and fifth Thursday nights of each month at 6:30 pm. Please email Donna Cartwright to receive the password and join the group. 

    Donna Cartwright circleemail  

    Go to MOVED Zoom Class circlerightarrow

  • LifeGroups/Small Groups

    Discover and sign up with a personal group that best fits your needs using the form below. Need help finding a group? Email Pastor Steven Blair to brainstorm which group will best fit your needs. 

    Pastor Steven Blair circleemail

    314-966-8167 x 135

    Sign up for a Small Group or Life Group circlerightarrow

Groups for Adults

Scroll down to see all of the options available to help you GROW in your relationship with Christ. 


Carol Fischer

314-966-8167 x 115
