All Are Welcome

God loves you no matter what, and Jesus taught his followers to love your neighbor no matter who. That means KUMC welcomes, affirms, and invites you to worship, serve, and lead regardless of your race, color, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, age, physical and mental ability, economic station, or political ideology. Jesus's love has no asterisks. At KUMC, you are invited to experience and practice God's radically inclusive, transforming love for you and for all.


Pastor Steven Blair

314-966-8167 x 1135


View Last Week's Sermon


  • Sunday Worship

    At KUMC and Live Streaming on Facebook

    Currently, KUMC is Offering: 


    Sunday Worship

    Contemporary Worship 9:00am in The Commons

    Traditional Worship 10:30am in the Sanctuary

    Join in person at the church for a time of prayer, reflection, and music led by Pastor Katie Trinter and Music staff, or view the Live Stream on Facebook from wherever you are

    View the current sermon catalog anytime here on the Sermon Page

    Go To Facebook 

    Go to KUMC's Worship Page

    KUMC Children's Ministries on Sunday

    Children's Ministry is Birth- 5th grade is offered during both worship times.  Check your child in at the check in the Kids Area.  Children's Ministry opens 15 minutes before worship.  Your kids will have fun running around our gym, learning a lesson at their age level, art, prayer, and regular kid silliness.  All volunteers have undergone a federal background check and have received training to work with kids. 

    The One Worship - 5th Sunday of the Month

    On the fifth Sunday of a month, Kirkwood Methodist holds "THE ONE" worship service at 10am to allow everyone to worship our ONE AMAZING GOD together as ONE COMMUNITY. If you are curious to learn more about KUMC, this is the perfect opportunity to sample it all in a combined Contemporary/Traditional worship service.

    Join us for THE ONE on Sunday, September 29th, 10 am in the Sanctuary.  

  • Prayer in the CHapel On Sundays

    Sundays, before and After Worship

    Need a quiet place to be with God? There will be prayer stations available in the chapel. You are invited to pray, rest, and connect with the holy before or after worship on Sundays.


    Pray With Pastor Katie at 11 am on Zoom

    Join our Zoom Live Prayer time with Pastor Katie. Please email Pastor Katie to receive the password.

    Pastor Katie circleemail

    Go to Wednesday Prayer Zoom circlerightarrow  

  • Thursday Coffee House Hours

    Pastor Katie at Teleo Coffee in Kirkwood,  7:30 - 10 am

    Drop in to Teleo Coffee on Thursday mornings to grab your morning caffeine fix and talk and pray with Pastor Katie. Teleo Coffee is located at 132 Monroe Street in Downtown Kirkwood. 

Upcoming Events at KUMC

Here are some of the latest events you'll find going on at KUMC. All events are open to the public and you are welcome to attend!

  • NEW Book Study: 

    Field Notes for the Wilderness

    PAstor Katie's Discussion Group Meets Mondays, 10:30am Beginning September 9, 2024

    Sarah's Bessey's beautiful book Field Notes for the Wilderness describes the journey of losing a stagnant religion and embracing a faith that evolves. She offers a nurturing and hopeful collection of practices for the emerging generation of faith followers—the wounded, the curious, the lost, and the miraculously hopeful. It is the perfect companion for the Losing My Religion sermon series. You can read on your own, read along with your Life Group or Sunday School class or join Pastor Katie Trinter for a discussion about the book on Mondays starting September 9th at 10:30 am in the lounge. 

    Purchase a copy of the book at your favorite vendor, or buy a copy on Realm for $20 to pick up at church starting Sunday, August 25th. 

    Purchase a book to pick up at Church circlerightarrow


    September 13-15, at Greentree for 2 hour shifts

    We need volunteers to set up, maintain and take down the KUMC tents at the Greentree Festival in September. You can help by signing up to work a 2 hour shift on any of the three days. The shift times are on  9/13 from 12-2pm to transport supplies from KUMC and set up the booth, and then working the booth Saturday 9/14 in two hour shifts starting at 9 am - 7pm, and two hour shifts on Sunday, 9/15 from 10am -4pm. Finally, volunteers are needed to take down the booth and transport it back to church from 4-6pm on Sunday, 9/15.

    Sign up for a shift here circlerightarrow

  • Zoom Prayer AT SPring Church

    Wednesday, September 11, at 11am

    Next week, Pastor Katie will host zoom prayer on location from Spring Church in downtown St. Louis. The Spring Church is an open-air stone chapel for community gathering and public art. A beloved neighborhood landmark, the church building was home to several congregations throughout its history until the building was largely destroyed by an electrical fire in 2001. 

    Learn about the history of Spring Church and its resurrection here circlerightarrow

    Pastor Katie will be praying from this beautiful open air space as a reminder that God's movement of love is bigger than the flaws and limits of any one church, and that God is always in the business of resurrecting beauty from the ashes. You can join Pastor Katie on location at The Spring Church, 620 N Spring Ave, St. Louis, MO 63108, or online at the usual Zoom link you can find on Realm or in this week's  Enews. 

  • Play Café 

    Starts Wednesday, September 11, 3-5PM, KUMC GYM

    Play Café - kid's and parent's favorite weekly play date - is starting back up Wednesday, September 11 for the new school year!  Play Cafè is open gym time at KUMC after school where parents can bring their children to play from 3 - 5 pm. While the children play, you'll be able to meet and chat with other parents. Anyone is welcome to attend!

  • LifeBridge Workshop: 

    Planning for Retirement

    Wednesday, Sept 11, 6 - 7:30 pm, The Commons

    This retirement planning workshop, Presented by Arissa Calvert, MSW,  is an educational event designed to help individuals prepare for their financial future after leaving the workforce. While watching clips from Frontline: The Retirement Gamble, participants learn how to assess their current financial situation, estimate future needs, and strategies to consider when developing a personalized retirement plan. 

    The workshop will take place at Kirkwood United Methodist Church. Free childcare and dinner will be provided with registration. Please click the link below to register. 

    Questions? Email

    Register here for the Retirement Workshop circlerightarrow

  • LuNCH WIth The Pastors

    SunDAY, SeptemBER 15, 11:45-1PM, Room 201

    Are you new or new(ish) to Kirkwood United Methodist Church? Join Pastor Katie and Pastor Steven for lunch in room 201 to learn a bit about the church, meet others, and ask questions. Please RSVP to Pastor Steven, to let us know you are planning to come and allow us to know how much food to prepare. 

    RSVP circlerightarrow

  • Wednesday Connect Night

    6PM Dinner, 6:30PM Workshops or Class

    September 18, 25, and October 2 at KUMC

    Come on Wednesday nights this fall to enjoy a meal in The Commons and then stay for the evening workshops. Choose as many of the workshop topics that interest you and join us on Wednesdays as you can. Or, Choose the Explore KUMC Class and join us each week for the three different topics. Childcare will be available during the workshop times. RSVPs are not required, but are very helpful for meal planning if you can let us know in advance that you plan to attend.

    The Workshops: 

    • September 18 - Reimagining Redemption - (Dr. Kyle Butler)
    • September 25 - Loving Parenting
    • October 2nd - Healing from Religious Trauma - (Lindsay Walter, MA, LPC)

    The Class: 

    Sept. 18- Oct. 2 Explore KUMC: Bible, Connecting with God, and Mission (Pastor Katie and Pastor Steven)

    RSVP now to a workshop or for the class here circlerightarrow

  • Sing-a-Long Outdoor Movie Night at

    Friday, September 2o, 7:30pm in KUMC's Parking Lot

    All are welcome to come "band together" with us on the evening of Friday, September 20th for a fun, family movie in outdoors in KUMC's Parking Lot. The  movie is a funny animated film that features a cast of fabulous singers that will have you wanting to sing along too - and we highly encourage it! "Seriously, more singing?" YES! There will be lots of singing at this movie night! Bring your blankets and lawn chairs. The parking lot will open at 7pm, and the movie will start at 7:30pm. Invite your friends and neighbors to join you for this fun night at KUMC!

  • The God's Child Project Luncheon
    Sunday, September 29, 11am -12:30pm at KUMC

    You're  invited  to join us on Sunday September 29th, at Kirkwood UMC, for a special event celebrating the decades of partnership and our work to break the chains of poverty. Come at 10am for service and stay for lunch, a Taco Bar from Amigo's, at 11am and to hear Founder and Executive Director Patrick Atkinson. 

    The event is completely free, but donations will be gratefully accepted at the event.  Please RSVP using the link below to allow so that we can prepare  enough food for everyone attending.  

    And since this is technically a 5th Sunday potluck date,  you're invited to bring sides and desserts to share if you would like to contribute to the fun!

    Please click here to RSVP by September 15th circlerightarrow

  • New Women's Bible Study

    Starts Tuesday, October 1, 6:30-8:30pm

    Do you long to be able to connect with a group of women and grow in your faith journey together? This group will be a safe place for women of all ages and backgrounds to study, learn, and grow together. Our first study will be Messy People: Life Lessons from Imperfect Biblical Heroes by Jennifer Cowart. 

    If you are interested in participating, please let the church office know by September 23 so we can order you a book. The book cost $10.

    If you have any questions, please email group leader, Erin Michelle circlerightarrow

  • Coping with Grief and Loss

    A Six Week Support Group

    Thursdays, October 3 - November 7, 10 -11:30am at KUMC

    This 6 week grief support group will provide a safe space for you to share your story of loss and to gain ideas about how to manage your grief while working to establish a “new normal”. We will discuss the

    process of grief and how each of us grieves uniquely. The group will be facilitated by Dr. Bob Lewis, a church member and retired clinical psychologist and grief therapist.  Group size will be limited to 10 participants, so register soon to reserve your spot. 

    Register now for Coping with Grief Group  circlerightarrow

  • Confirmation Class

    Starts Sunday, November 3rd, 9am at KUMC

    Attention Parents of 7-10th Graders. Confirmation is a meaningful rite of passage where youth learn how to make Faith their own. Confirmation will be led by Emily Stokes. 

    For questions or to RSVP, Email Pastor Steven Blair circleemail

Subscribe to KUMC Enews

If you want to know what's going on at Kirkwood United Methodist Church one of the best ways is to subscribe to the weekly Enews that goes out on Thursdays, just in time to prepare you for worship on Sunday and to let you know what other activities we have coming up at the church.  Subscribe now using the link below.

Subscribe to KUMC Enews circlerightarrow

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Kirkwood United Methodist Church

201 W Adams | Kirkwood MO 63122  


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